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Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Obama Endorsement Trifecta: Chavez, Putin, and Ahmadinejad

President Obama has cleaned up in the endorsement sweepstakes!

Poor Governor Romney has to settle for anti-Communist hero
Lech Walesa, the people of Israel, 42 Congressional Medal of Honor winners, and the small business owners of America.

President Obama, on the other hand, gets 90% of the pollsters and 90% of the US media.

Alas! There is even worse news for poor struggling Governor Romney!

President Obama also has gotten the golden trifecta of anti-US leader endorsements: first, he got that of the apocalyptic Iranian
Ahmadinejad, then that of the head of the KGB President Putin of Russia, and now that of dying Venezuelan autocrat Hugo Chavez.
The DiploMad 2.0

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