I am reminded that the average age of the ISIS barbarian is somewhere in the teens, and the Antifa Fascists rioting and beating its "enemies" to a pulp are mere youths.I had thought the floodwaters of Texas had at least momentarily submerged the left's war on history. But I see a Hillary Clinton staffer called Logan Anderson has been triggered by a white man with a Confederate flag on his boat rescuing black people in Houston....
Totalitarianism is a young man's game. The callow revolutionaries like to crow that their enemies are all "old white men" who'll be dead soon, after which youthful idealism will inherit the earth. And it's true that the surviving German Nazis are all getting a bit long in the tooth. But they were young once, and bliss was it in that dawn to be alive. And to be young was very heaven: in the early Thirties the Nazis were the smooth-visaged lads gleefully torching books in the streets. They were the future, and these elderly monarchists and middle-aged democrats, queasy about the torching of the non-ideologically-compliant past, would all be dead soon enough. As the blond Aryan boy sings in Bob Fosse's film of Cabaret:
Oh fatherland, fatherland, show us the sign
Your children have waited to seeThe morning will come when the world is mineTomorrow Belongs to Me!
And let's not forget this memorable quote:
"The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns,” Rhodes sneered in a New York Times profile. “That’s a sea change. They literally know nothing.”
1 comment:
You always have to remember that all of these folks are the products of an education system that now is a propaganda machine of the left.
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