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Thursday, December 28, 2017

Keeping Track: 100 Racist Things

Tucker Carlson via Vanderleun

1. Tamarisk trees in Palm Springs, California.
2. The ice cream truck song.
3. Credit scores.
4. Car insurance.
5. Crime statistics.
6. Halloween costumes.
7. Calling Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas.”
8. Most of the better Disney movies.
9. Dr. Seuss.
10. White flight.

Read the whole thing.

“They say“ I’M A WHITE SUPREMACIST, partly because “they say so.”
“They say“ I’m a white supremacist, partly because they say writing and speaking properly is white privilege.
“They say“ I’m a white supremacist, partly because they say acting in a civilized manner is “acting white” and thereby racist.
“They say“ I’m a white supremacist, partly because they point to advanced civilization (not limited to mathematics, fine arts, etc…but you get the idea) as “white supremacism.”
“They say“ I’m a white supremacist, partly because they say intelligence is “white oppression” and “systematic racism.”
So, I’m a white supremacist, simply because they acknowledge my mind, behavior and culture are better than they and theirs are…and, who am I to argue?!?

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