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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Prince Charles gives world reprieve: Extends ‘100-Month’ climate ‘tipping point’ to 35 more years

Prince Charles is a member of a Doomsday Cult.

What does Domesday Cult members do when the world does not end when they predicted it?

No, they don't lose faith, they just move the date out.

Prince Charles declared on July 18, 2015 that the world now has “just 35 years to save the planet” from “global warming”. But this new climate ‘tipping point’ marks a huge reprieve from Prince Charles original 100 month tipping point issued in 2009.
His "100 Months"  have passed, no tipping point has been reached, now it's time to move the date.

How many times must we do this before we decide that he - and people like him  - are nuts?

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