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Friday, January 17, 2020

'I'm The Student Loan Fairy And I'm Here To Pay Off Your Debts!' Cries Elizabeth Warren While Dangling On Wires Above College Kids

From the newspaper of record; the Babylon Bee
BOSTON, MA—Students in the dining hall at Boston University were in for a surprise when presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren suddenly appeared above their heads, wearing pink fairy wings and holding a magic wand.

“I am the Student Loan Fairy and I’m here to pay off all your debts!” exclaimed the Democratic candidate as she slowly descended from the rafters, “Bippidi-boppidi-boo! Have some fairy dust!”

Todd Freeman, a Canadian Studies major, was eating a deconstructed avocado sandwich when he looked up to see Warren dangling from some clearly visible stage wires.

“She was just kind of awkwardly trying to steady herself while she waved her wand about and threw handfuls of glitter at us,” Freeman said, “Then she kind of lost control of the bag of glitter and just dumped it all over my table. It got in my eyes, and I’ve taken three showers and still can’t get it all out of my hair.” Luckily for Freeman, though, learning to get glitter out of things is the most practical thing he's learned at college so far.

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