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Sunday, April 06, 2008


Mark Steyn at NRO:

Over in the Geraghtistan province of the National Review ummah, Jim asks:

How did we reach the point where Air America calls Hillary a 'whore'?

Indeed. Randi Rhodes agrees with Hillary Clinton and Geraldine Ferraro on everything - abortion, health care, climate change, you name. Yet the first is "a f***ing whore" and the second is "David Duke in drag" merely because they disagree which Democratic senator would make the best president. The people applying these deranged epithets to the Clintons are in large part the very same people who spent the Nineties applying equally deranged epithets to anyone who disagreed with the Clintons.

There's something rather heartening about this for those of us on the right who've been on the receiving end of the left's vehemence: Apparently there really is nothing personal about it. You can be a chickenhawk warmonger racist homophobe mysogynist Bush shill or a pro-feminist pro-gay pro-black icon of progressive politics for a generation, but, if you cross the likes of Randi Rhodes, you're all the same and you merit the same four-letter words and KKK slurs. The left's Discoursometer is like one of those shower units where the slightest nudge turns it to scalding.

At Ed Driscoll:
...the GOP "may be the stupid party, but they're also the decent party." His comments remind me of the contrast in tone that Steven Den Beste highlighted immediately after the 2006 midterms:
2000, Democrats: "We wuz robbed!"
2002, Democrats: "We wuz robbed again!"
2004, Democrats: "We wuz robbed yet again!"
2006, Republicans: "Bummer. Oh, well, we'll do better next time."

Oh, and the Randi Rhodes explosion?

You know the secret of Rush Limbaugh's success? Simple: he's funny. He laughs. He jokes. He has "more fun than a human being should be allowed to have." Listen to any runner-up talk show host, none are as entertaining; none are having as much fun as Rush evidently is having.

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