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Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Our Affirmative Action President v.200

I stuck my neck out two years ago by naming Barack Hussein Obama an affirmative action candidate.  Now he's President and all of a sudden, the "affirmative action" label is becoming positively mainstream.  See the "Accidental Candidate." Here's Victor Davis Hanson on Obama
Race was a factor. Here the left is correct in assessing its importance in evaluating Obama, although not quite in the way they think. At various times, a disturbing racialist trope emerged that suggested white liberals were enthralled almost solely by Obama’s mixed heritage, his diction, and comportment. Not to mention the overall sense that he was a moderate and charismatic African-American that knew precisely how to put anxious well-meaning folks like themselves at ease — and that this was simply not true of the majority of other African-American politicians, and that this in and of itself would suffice.

Promoting Obama offered blanket exemption from even the suggestion of prejudice — a sort of cheap flip of a “get out of jail free” card than ensured liberal elites could otherwise pursue their sheltered lives without guilt or worry over demands for daily interaction with most African-Americans. Elect Obama, worry not what he did — and at last live guilt-free lives in seclusion.

That is a serious charge that should not be made lightly, but the emphasis on Obama’s diction, pigment, and appearance — rather than his actual record — is not my own.

Joe Biden, for example, blurted out, “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” Apparently Biden meant that the antithesis of Obama’s profile — a non-mainstream African-American, who spoke a southern patois and who did not appear bright and clean and handsome — most definitely was not to be a storybook candidate and perhaps likely to put off white liberals like Biden. (Note that Biden did not mention any particular achievement of Obama, merely the impression that he made on those like himself.)
The problem for the country - and the world - is that Obama can't be shuffled off to a staff position in the Human Resources Department (the typical parking place for people who are hired for their racial, physical or sexual attributes in corporate America).   We're stuck with him where he is, add that's a problem, because "He" has a problem.  He is in way over his head and is lashing out in ways that can endanger the country.
All that matters for the country is that the current president of the United States seems surprised that as our chief executive he is earning scrutiny not previously accorded him — and that he finds that demand for accountability both exasperating and abjectly unfair. Thus this week’s latest “like a dog” whine.

For some reason, Obama believed that those who expected after his campaign promises a real upturn in the economy, or fiscal responsibility, or inspired foreign policy would be satisfied, as they had in the past, merely with soaring rhetoric and superficial reassurance. When they were not, and voiced such displeasure, as ingrates they had supposedly reduced Obama to canine-like status.

There is no need to add that abroad an Ahmadinejad, Assad, or Putin does not care a bit for the supposed personal chemistry or ethnic profile of Obama. Whether he was “clean” or not would be an absurdity to them. We sense only that those authoritarian sorts seem so far to like the idea that Obama speaks ambiguously about his country’s past and future, and appears more comfortable in pondering alternatives than making decisions.

Given all that, it is understandable both why America is very worried about what it has wrought — and why Barack Obama is miffed and lashes out.

You would too if both accountability and criticism were novel experiences at 49.

I had lunch today with a respected and prominent attorney.  This man echoed the sort of concern that was - in the past - the province of conspiracy.  High level concerns about the viability of entitlement programs, health care, economic solvency, the entire US economy were on the surface.  Before the Obama administration took power, the concept that the American government was a threat to America was left to the fever swamps of the radical Left or Right.  Obama's performance in office has brought it mainstream.

1 comment:

LibertyAtStake said...

The good news is the jig is up for the "White Guilt" vote. Now that that's behind us, we can maybe start looking at the content of character across the board. Who was that who said that again?