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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The good news is that it's apparently not racist to call Obama arrogant anymore.

Jonah Goldberg in an LA Times op-ed on Obama's ego: 
There's an irony to occupying the Oval Office. When presidents think they're bigger than the job they hold, they shrink in office. When they think they're smaller than the honor they've been temporarily bestowed, they grow into it. Obama has done nothing but shrink.

Last week, the president of the United States attacked Karl Rove by name — twice! — in a speech. He recently begged a crowd of black supporters not to "make me look bad" by staying home from the polls. In an interview with Rolling Stone, he scolded young voters that if they don't vote, it will be proof they "weren't serious in the first place."

It never dawns on him that were it not for the unseriousness of those voters, he might still be a one-term junior senator from Illinois.

"You know, I actually believe my own [bull]," Obama told the author of "Renegade," Richard Wolffe.

Exactly. And that why he's gotten into this mess.
It's all about him.

Is it possible to find a way of punishing the people who were taken in by this ego-blimp?

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