The bodies are not yet buried but the MSM is pointing the finger of blame to the Tea Party and Sarah Palin for its "violence laden" rhetoric.
Before this theme takes over, here's a screen grab of the Daily Kos referring to Congresswoman Giffords.

The KOS himself "targets" Giffords ... for elimination? And Glenn Reynolds has a Roundup of Violent Political Rhetoric from the Left.
Byron York points out that it makes a difference who does the shooting. It turns out that Jare Lee Loughner is a nutcase yet the Left and their shills in the MSM are busy trying the create the narrative that the Tea Party or Sarah Palin were responsible. Compare that to the media bigfeet reaction to the Fort Hood massacre when eveyone from the President on down was telling us that we should not come to the obvious conclusion about a Muslim shouting "Allahu Akbar" as he does his killing.
On November 5, 2009, Maj. Nidal Hasan opened fire at a troop readiness center in Ft. Hood, Texas, killing 13 people. Within hours of the killings, the world knew that Hasan reportedly shouted "Allahu Akbar!" before he began shooting, visited websites associated with Islamist violence, wrote Internet postings justifying Muslim suicide bombings, considered U.S. forces his enemy, opposed American involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan as wars on Islam, and told a neighbor shortly before the shootings that he was going "to do good work for God." There was ample evidence, in other words, that the Ft. Hood attack was an act of Islamist violence.
Nevertheless, public officials, journalists, and commentators were quick to caution that the public should not "jump to conclusions" about Hasan's motive. CNN, in particular, became a forum for repeated warnings that the subject should be discussed with particular care.
"The important thing is for everyone not to jump to conclusions," said retired Gen. Wesley Clark on CNN the night of the shootings.
"We cannot jump to conclusions," said CNN's Jane Velez-Mitchell that same evening. "We have to make sure that we do not jump to any conclusions whatsoever."
"I'm on Pentagon chat room," said former CIA operative Robert Baer on CNN, also the night of the shooting. "Right now, there's messages going back and forth, saying do not jump to the conclusion this had anything to do with Islam."
The next day, President Obama underscored the rapidly-forming conventional wisdom when he told the country, "I would caution against jumping to conclusions until we have all the facts." In the days that followed, CNN jouralists and guests repeatedly echoed the president's remarks.Read the rest.
UPDATE: Is BoyBlue Jared Loughner? References: HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE. The grammar and spelling don't seem the same, but the links between Loughner and BoyBlue are certainly closer than the links to either the Tea party or Palin. If there is a link, the Left and the MSM are in a world of hurt.
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