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Monday, January 01, 2018

Trump: He’s no Throne Sniffer

Charles Hurt provides this tongue-in-cheek commentary on Trump

There is so much to love about President Trump that it is hard to settle on the single greatest thing about the 45th president.

His name is not “Hillary Clinton,” has to be in the top 10 best things about him. Nor is his name “John Kasich.” Even better.

His scathing disdain for Republicans in Washington was surpassed only by his abhorrence of Democrats in Washington. His joyful willingness to make a complete mockery of everything the political establishment holds dear is pretty sweet, too.

There is not a classier tweeter in the history of electricity. That’s got to be pretty high up there, too. [snip]

I guess if I had to pick one single thing that I love most about Donald Trump, it’s that — unlike all the rest — is Mr. Trump is not a Throne Sniffer.

Take his predecessor, President Obama. There was not a king, queen, lord, tyrant or jester that Mr. Obama would not bow to.

I have even heard — though I cannot verify this personally — that Secret Service had to remove the large potted ferns from the White House because Mr. Obama could not stop bowing to them and offering them the codes to our nuclear arsenal.

So it came as little surprise that Mr. Obama — the king of all Throne Sniffers — was cozying up to Little Prince Harry of Great Britain for some silly glam interview.

I mean, seriously, the guy is, like, fifth in line to the throne. That’s like lower than David Shulkin in the United States. What, you don’t know who David Shulkin is? Exactly.

As Mr. Trump might tweet, “Sad!”

Anyway, big controversy now over whether Prince Harry — the guy who will never be king — will invite President Trump or ex-President Obama to his stupid royal wedding. I could just hear Mr. Obama now begging the little red-headed Smurf for an invite.

And I’ll bet you anything the little Fifth to the Throne won’t invite Mr. Trump. That royal Throne Sniffer doesn’t want any competition when it comes time to take pictures.

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