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Monday, January 01, 2018


From Robert Stacy McCain

This is how media bias operates. The chief interest of news editors in regard to crime stories is whether they can be exploited to advance the Democrat Party narrative. Thus, the 2012 shooting of Treyvon Martin was 24/7 on CNN, whereas the more than 500 murders in Chicago that same year?

Crickets chirping.

It was the same way with coverage of the 1998 Matthew Shepard murder, which was exploited to dramatize the evils of homophobia in the same way the Treyvon Martin case was used to dramatize racism. Subsequent reporting, after the Shepard case had stopped making headlines, showed that homophobia wasn't really the motive. Bu what mattered was that the story fit the Democrat narrative about "hate," and this was the only reason the Shepard murder was publicized so heavily, in a nation where there were nearly 17,000 murders that year.

Or consider Rolling Stone's infamous 2014 University of Virginia gang-rape hoax. This story was intended to dramatize the claims of activists that there was an "epidemic" of sexual assault on campus. This was a central agenda item for the feminist movement at a time when Hillary Clinton was preparing her campaign to become the first woman president. The fact that the story was a hoax -- that an emotionally disturbed UVA student had literally invented a fictional rapist named "Haven Monahan" -- demonstrated the willingness of many people in the media to publish anything that would advance the Democrat Party's agenda.

Here we are, three years later, and you have a case that would seem tailor-made for the liberal media -- two black lesbians murdered in cold blood, along with two children -- but is this being discussed 24/7 on CNN? No. Why not? Because the suspects in this heinous murder are black, and therefore the story doesn't fit the agenda.

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