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Wednesday, April 12, 2023

The world according to the Virginian Pilot April 12, 2023

  •  Virginian Pilot defends school libraries' collection of pornographic books for children and calls requests for age-appropriate books in school libraries censorship.  By this logic, school libraries that don't have every book ever published are censoring.  And this would be technically correct.  School libraries are not designed to have every book on their shelves.  But the Virginian Pilot's editors and school librarians vigorously defend books that are pornographic and specifically those that depict gay sex ... some with graphic pictures.  School librarians and the people who produce the Virginian Pilot defend these books.  And an indication of who they are and their morals.
  • Virginian Pilot accuses Representative Jordan of playing politics and defends DA Bragg from the charge of playing politics.
  • The Virginian Pilot is your source of news about abortion and ways of killing children in the womb.
  • The Virginian Pilot is your source for criticism of Governor Glenn Younkin, whose current crime it not pardoning enough felons.
  • Reading the Virginian Piloit's editorial page makes you despair of this country, especially the level of education.  How did these people leave school?  Escape?  Especially those who include their educational credentials.

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