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Thursday, April 13, 2023

The world according to the Virginian Pilot April 13, 2023

  •  Virginian Pilot doubles down on the lie about the amount of tax money that flows to NPR.
  • Tries to pretend that NPR doesn't stand for National Public Radio which was founded specifically as a taxpayer-funded radio network by President Johnson.
  • NPR feuding with Twitter about being labeled "State Affiliated Media," stamps feet, says it won't play.
  • Virginian Pilot outraged that a Black man on the Supreme Court takes vacations.
  • Virginian Pilot and other Democrats organs smearing the Supreme Court because they see it as an obstacle to their totalitarian rule.
  • Virginian Pilot Public Editor calls President Trump "Judas."
  • Anything that inhibits killing babies in the womb assets the Left's hair on fire.  Pray for the nation.
  • According to the Virginian Pilot's contributors, Russia has always been bad.  Hating Russia is the Left's obsession.  But it only started when Trump was elected.  Before then, the Left defended Russia under the Communists.  Bernie Sanders went to Russia on his honeymoon.  The NY Times covered up the millions who died from hunger as Stalin wiped out farmers in Ukraine who defied him.  
  • American writer Lincoln Stefens went to Soviet Russia and proclaimed, "I have seen the future, and it works."
  • Why the 180-degree turn?  It was all about Trump and the Russian Collusion hoax.  As suddenly as Trump was elected, the "official" view of Russia switched.  Obama, asked his friend Vladimir to help with his re-election bid, but Trump made Russia the enemy.  It's like 1984: "Russia has always been the enemy."  

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