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Monday, October 16, 2023

Partying On


But the one core belief that effete Continentals and firebreathing Mohammedans do share is that everything is Israel's fault. As I wrote a decade-and-a-half ago:

The Islamicization of Europe entails certain consequences, and it might be worth exploring what these might be. There are already many points of cultural friction—from British banks' abolition of children's "piggy banks" to the enjoining of public doughnut consumption by Brussels police during Ramadan. And yet on one issue there is remarkable comity between the aging ethnic Europeans and their young surging Muslim populations: A famous poll a couple of years back found that 59 percent of Europeans regard Israel as the greatest threat to world peace.

Fifty-nine percent? What the hell's wrong with the rest of you? Hey, relax: In Germany, it was 65 percent; Austria, 69 percent; the Netherlands, 74 percent. For purposes of comparison, in a recent poll of Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates—i.e., the "moderate" Arab world—79 percent of respondents regard Israel as the greatest threat to world peace. As far as I know, in the last year or two, they haven't re-tested that question in Europe, possibly in case Israel now scores as a higher threat level in the Netherlands than in Yemen.

... "What has become of us?" Bernie Farber is what became of you - the arse who thought me and Ezra were a bigger threat than the importation of legions of people famous around the world for their antipathy to Jews. You could try Googling it. It's a numbers game now:

"What has become of us?" Since 9/11 the Muslim population of Canada has increased from two per cent to 4.9 per cent, while the Jewish population has shrunk - just a little, but it's now down below one per cent.

You were an advisor to a putative PM, and you're entirely unaware of that?

Do the math: a five-per-cent Muslim population is more than enough to cost you the election. That Jewish point-nine per cent? Who cares? Certainly not enough for any Quebec politician mindful of his electoral viability to do any serious pushback on Montrealers partying over dead and raped Israelis.

"My city. Our city"? No. Their city. Your soon to be untended cemeteries. Same old story as the rubble-strewn Jewish graveyards from Tangiers to Baghdad and beyond. But this time it's because of policies enthusiastically supported by bodies supposed to represent the interests of the Jewish people.

I don't want to single out Bernie Farber, although he's a total prat. South of the border, there are few men in America I despise more than Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League. See my column from a decade back: "Hath Not a Jew Eyes?" Because of fools like Farber and Foxman, there will be no Jews in Montreal - and very soon.

As for those on the western left and right making common cause with the rapists and child-killers of Hamas, I get that they don't dig the Jews and that therefore it has a certain logic. Except:

It's one thing to be "anti-Semitic" or "anti-Zionist", as millions of westerners now are. But that's not where your comrades in the fight against Israel are inclined to leave it: They're anti-Jew mainly as a subset of being anti-infidel - anti-the other. Just to keep it music-festival-wise, see that Orlando nightclub, and Ariana Grande, and the Bataclan concert.

So one day you may get your wish, and Israel will be gone. And then they'll turn, as they always do, from the Saturday people to the Sunday people...

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