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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Obama and Rezco: More Discussion

Some interesting comments, this one from "Dash"
People keep asking where the scandal is. Let me spell it out for everyone in plain english.

Obama wanted to buy a house that cost 2.6 million ( roughly) but he didn't want to pay that much. So he bought the house without the yard for 1.9 and his "friend" Rezko bought the yard for the difference. The yard and the house were a single piece right up until the point that Obama needed some help with the purchase. Rezko had no money and no reason to purchase that yard. His wife had to sign the actual papers because he was under scrutiny by the Feds and claiming to be bankrupt. The $600,000 that he borrowed from Aruchi to pay for the lot was a flat out gift/bribe to Obama. It was illegal. As yet we don't know what Rezko got in exchange, but it is certain that he got or expected to get something.

That's more than just a "bonehead" mistake.

and this from "George"
You ask why would anyone want to bribe Obama?

Bribery is too obvious.

Rezko and his bosses, if he had any, would have seen Obama as a long term play, someone to cultivate over a 20 or 30 year period. You can see why he would be attractive....Muslim fathers, Afrocentric church, anti-Bush on Iraq.... It would be best to just support him in the usual American ways...fundraising, but who knows....

John Fund wrote in the WSJ on 3/3 that "an official report to the Pentagon inspector general in 2004 obtained by the Washington Times cited "significant and credible evidence" of involvement by Mr. Auchi's companies in the Oil for Food scandal and illicit smuggling of weapons to the Hussein regime."

Surely, the Syrians and Iraqis would want to penetrate or influence the American government, just as we want to infiltrate theirs. The question is would the Syrian regime or ex-Saddam Baathists who fled to Syria have used Auchi to fulfill their ends.

"An aide to Mr Obama said he did attend an event at the Four Seasons at which Mr Rezko was present but does not remember meeting Mr Auchi. "He shook a lot of hands and met a lot of people," the aide said. "We do not remember individual people."

Prosecutors say that, after Mr Auchi was unable to enter the United States in 2005, Mr Rezko approached the US State Department to get him a visa and apparently asked "certain Illinois government officials to do the same." Mr Obama denies he was approached. Mr Auchi's lawyer has emphasised to The Times that it would be entirely false to imply that money had been lent by GMH to Mr Rezko in return for Mr Rezko seeking to assist Mr Auchi to obtain a visa. The two men's relationship, the lawyer stressed, was a business one."

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