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Monday, June 07, 2010

The FTC Confuses Newspapers With Journalism as it Seeks New Media Tax

As the FTC seeks to tax you and the alternative media to give support to the dinosaur media, the MSM, The MFM (whatever you want to call it) make your voice heard.

Why does the FTC want to do any of this? I am not a mind reader, but the FTC is an “independent” agency run by people appointed by the Obama Administration, which has been antagonistic to an Internet it cannot control and nostalgic for the good old days when the news was controlled by a handful of mostly liberal newsmen.

The FTC is merely suggesting these proposals. It adds, “we welcome additional proposals, which can be submitted” here. I suggest you write to them.?

At the very least, click on the link and let the FTC know what you think. 

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