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Saturday, March 10, 2007

Two Cheers for Boycotting FOX

I see that the “Nutroots” have compelled the Democrats in Nevada to cancel a candidate forum to be moderated and carried by the FOX network. The Left is ecstatic about their effect on the Democrats. The Right is predictably disdainful and is reproaching the Democrats for bowing to the radical left.

While I would like to join the chorus of those ridiculing the Dems for boycotting FOX, I’m not going to.

The fact is, I think it’s not a bad idea. I have been wishing that Republicans and those on the Right would stop appearing on the alphabet networks as well as CNN, NPR, et al. If I had my way, calls from the NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, Time, Newsweek and the Washington Bureau of the Wall Street Journal would not be answered.

Scooter Libby would not stand convicted if he had not spoken with Tim Russert.

At one time the only way Conservatives could communicate was via the MSM. This is no longer true. The Right has found its own voice via radio, TV and the Internet. We no longer need to send messages via the pages of the enemy press. And let there be no mistake, the ones I cited are our political enemies.

A century or two ago, there were many more newspapers aligned with various factions. They bias was up front and blatant. As the industry consolidated into the MSM, they assumed an “above the battle” air, but were very much part of the political debate. Today they only pay lip service to impartiality. Fine. Why suffer the hypocrisy and feed the revenues and appetite of those who despise you?

Let the divisions that have been papered over be uncovered. What’s wrong with an avowedly conservative FOX? On the radio Limbaugh, Hannity, Boortz, O’Reily and others are unabashedly Right,Libertarian or populist. That’s fine.

The Internet bloggers are blatantly partisan and identify their polical biases.

It’s not a problem; not nearly as much of a problem as Liberalism disguised as faux neutrality.

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