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Saturday, June 07, 2008

The Art of Ostracism

Victor Davis Hanson points out that Obama's past has, thus far produced two reactions.

There are two disturbing—and now predictable—patterns to Obama's serial distancing from prior intimates. First, the post facto embarrassment is personalized in terms of "I" and "me," as if a Wright or Rezko is somehow doing something out of character aimed at Obama, rather than persisting in entirely predictable behavior that offends society at large. Thus in reaction to the racist Wright, we get "That's a show of disrespect to me," while Pfleger's venom prompts, "I am deeply disappointed in Father's Pfleger." But the issue is racial hatred, not a matter of pleasing or respecting Obama himself.

The second reaction is a sort of amnesia: So suddenly the past benefactor Rezo has radically changed with his indictment: "That isn't the Tony Rezko I knew". And after Rev. Wright himself confirmed that his hatred once labeled as "snippets" and "loops" was, in fact, representative of his world view, Obama pivoted with "Well, I may not know him as well as I thought."

The truth?

Obama has required a vocabulary of needed ostracism, as he insidiously sheds most of his prior life and environment of the last twenty years. Wright, Moss, Pfleger, Ayers, Rezo, etc. are all figures that have to be "disavowed" or, better, Trostkyized in some fashion. The method apparently is to suggest that they, not Obama, have suddenly changed (when, in truth, they, not Obama, have remained entirely consistent) and are now out to hurt or embarrass Obama (when, again, they are surprised that their longtime predictable behavior is suddenly producing different results).
Read the rest here

This is the key to his defeat. Obama is self centered to an extent not known in modern political life. The nearest competitors are the Clintons, who were famously centered on themselves, their needs, their wants and the gratification of their desires.

But the Clintons hid their megalomania behind a façade of caring for the people: “I feel your pain. (Bites lip)” In Obama, we have a much more perfect manifestation of the messiah complex. It’s only about him; he lives on a different spiritual plane. He’s the star in his own Steven Spielberg movie; the super-being sent to earth to bring MANKIND to the next level.

Don’t believe it? His followers do. Here’s Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnist

Barack Obama isn't really one of us. Not in the normal way, anyway.
This is what I find myself offering up more and more in response to the whiners and the frowners and to those with broken or sadly dysfunctional karmic antennae - or no antennae at all - to all those who just don't understand and maybe even actively recoil against all this chatter about Obama's aura and feel and MLK/JFK-like vibe.
To them I say, all right, you want to know what it is? The appeal, the pull, the ethereal and magical thing that seems to enthrall millions of people from all over the world, that keeps opening up and firing into new channels of the culture normally completely unaffected by politics?

No, it's not merely his youthful vigor, or handsomeness, or even inspiring rhetoric. It is not fresh ideas or cool charisma or the fact that a black president will be historic and revolutionary in about a thousand different ways. It is something more. Even Bill Clinton, with all his effortless, winking charm, didn't have what Obama has, which is a sort of powerful luminosity, a unique high-vibration integrity.

Dismiss it all you like, but I've heard from far too many enormously smart, wise, spiritually attuned people who've been intuitively blown away by Obama's presence - not speeches, not policies, but sheer presence - to say it's just a clever marketing ploy, a slick gambit carefully orchestrated by hotshot campaign organizers who, once Obama gets into office, will suddenly turn from perky optimists to vile soul-sucking lobbyist whores, with Obama as their suddenly evil, cackling overlord.

Here's where it gets gooey. Many spiritually advanced people I know (not coweringly religious, mind you, but deeply spiritual) identify Obama as a Lightworker, that rare kind of attuned being who has the ability to lead us not merely to new foreign policies or health care plans or whatnot, but who can actually help usher in a new way of being on the planet, of relating and connecting and engaging with this bizarre earthly experiment. These kinds of people actually help us evolve. They are philosophers and peacemakers of a very high order, and they speak not just to reason or emotion, but to the soul.

The unusual thing is, true Lightworkers almost never appear on such a brutal, spiritually demeaning stage as national politics. This is why Obama is so rare.

So we have a new word entering our vocabulary. Obama can’t be described by the old term: Messiah. That may have been good enough for the “Bitter Clingers” and other assorted redneck sister-marrying Bible thumpers wallowing in ignorance. But we have a new kind of godhead, a “Lightworker” who will lead us to a new heaven on earth. A man whose mere words - without preconditions - will cause Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to convert to Judaism; will cause North Korea's 'Dear Leader to give up his tyranny and his bombs and will cause the Arabs and Jews to live in peace forever.

And lest you think that this is an extreme example of a lone nut, please keep in mind that he is a columnist who is not afraid to sign his name to this, knowing he has lots of people who agree with his views of this new “Ubermensch.”

Want more? From

I heard Mika Brezinski reveal this tidbit about her news producer. It isn’t just Chris Matthews who gets emotional about MSNBC’s chosen son. Mika reveals that her producer cried when she realized that Barack Obama was going to receive the nomination.

Forget about the fact that you can’t expect to get unbiased news from an organization whose employees are so emotionally committed to a candidate that they break down in tears. There is something wrong and even sinister about a person who inspires this much slavish devotion in people whom he has never met.

Politics should never be about messianic or even "Lightworker" leaders.

When this has happened in the past - and the 20th century is littered with examples - bad things happen to millions of good people.

THIS is the theme that will kill the Obama boomlet. We're going to elect a President, for a few short years, to run one-third of the Federal government. We are not going to elect a "Lightworker" to mess with our souls.

Americans don't want to elect their spiritual leader.

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