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Monday, June 16, 2008

Rejecting "Safe, Focus-Group Tested Message," Barack Obama Gives Bold and Controversial Father's Day Speech Promoting Fatherhood

Ace of Spades

Wow. I knew this was a different kind of politician, but I had no idea he'd be willing to upset the apple-cart like this!

He actually dared to express the controversial sentiment that 1) fathers are important and 2) fathers should good fathers, when possible, and all other things being equal.

And I thought McCain was the "maverick!"
But Obama must be praised for having the courage to say that water is wet and night is dark.

Building on his breathtaking courage, Barack Obama plans to shake us further out of our complacency by delivering a "major speech" on the hotly-contested proposition that "the children are our future."

Remember all the initial joking about the MSM crediting Obama as some kind of genius for just managing to do shit everyone else does?

Yeah, well it's back in force. Apparently Obama is to be praised for doing the simplest and easiest things, like he's a fucking retard who needs to be unduly complimented for making it through a tapioca break without shitting himself too much.

Maybe the MSM knows something about Barack Obama's cognitive powers we don't. Maybe he should be lavishly praised for a shit-free tapioca.

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