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Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Everything You Cannot Know About Obama Is In This Photograph

Via Vanderleun:

What are ordinary Americans to make of this strange man-child who has, through sloth and design in the media, sloth and inattention among the body politic, and cupidity, corruption and chicanery within his dark political machine, risen to dominate the landscape? What are ordinary Americans to make of this most un-American of all our erstwhile leaders; a man profoundly ungrounded in the American earth? It is a protean question, painful and difficult to contemplate, to which ordinary Americans will give but a partial answer this November.

In the meantime, there will be an ever increasing addition of possible answers and pondering added to the already towering tsunami of non-information available on the subject of Obama. It is by now a commonplace that never has so little been known about so pivotal a figure in our history. In this case partial ignorance leads not to bliss but rather an opera buffa that is sung in the key of existential distress and portends a finale that is not "a comedy tonight," but a Roman Tragedy replete with fire and blood.

Conspiracy abhors a vacuum and we've had more than our share of theories, speculations, dire warnings, and dark murmurings about a leader's life that is, in many ways, less documented than the undocumented Democrats oozing across our southern borders.

He is /is not a natural-born citizen.
His mother was / was not a harlot.
His father was / was not a man named Obama.
His mentor was a black Communist pornographer/poet.
His mentor was a crazed, race-hustling preacher on the make in Chicago.
His mentor was a bitter Red agitator with an sheaf of techniques for destroying the country.
If we knew his college grades we'd see how brilliant he is.
We don't know his college grades because he's much less brilliant that he seems.
He wrote his books.
He couldn't write a rubber check.
His books are the accurate transcript of his life.
His books are carefully crafted legends.
He's out to rule the world.
He's just another hack politician in the iron mold of corrupt Chicago pols since time immemorial.

With Obama the best that can be said is, "All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned." We simply do not know enough, even now, to know who this stranger among us is.
Read the rest.

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