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Friday, May 31, 2019

The thing that makes Trump “seem” so spectacular is that he has balls in an environment that has been nutless for decades.

The thing that makes Trump “seem” so spectacular is that he has balls in an environment that has been nutless for decades. When a normal grown man with AC-DC sized big balls pops on the scene amongst an ocean of cucks and wusses there is an automatic and continuous tsunami-earthquake-typhoon of emotions everywhere simultaneously. Nervous reactions.

Out here in Realville men have been acting like men all along so we have been stymied as to why DC males act like they do. Until Trump, we had nothing in that realm to compare the cucks to. Now we do, and we feel embarrassment for them.

And we want them to know severe punishment. If you are born a male you are a man all of your life but if you choose to behave like a child or a woman then you need to be corrected, violently if necessary, or preferably, eliminated, permanently so as to not infect others.

Out here in Realville Trump would blend right in and seem like everyone else.

Corrected for grammar.

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