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Friday, August 16, 2019

Oberlin College is a microcosm of our society. The governing class can’t comprehend the concerns of the proles, assuming the proles must therefore be motivated by racism, white supremacy, sexism, patriarchy, Naziism, fascism, etc., etc., etc., by all things bad.

Read the whole thing. It offers a fresh perspective on what happened, including this perspective on decades of Oberlin College public relations disasters centered on protest culture (emphasis added):

How, after such public debacles costing millions of dollars in lost students, donors, and prestige, could Oberlin yet again condescend to its students, betray its finest traditions, and make itself a national laughingstock? Or as another Oberlin professor put it to me in a pithy email after the Gibson’s v. Oberlin verdict, “how idiotic can the college be always?”

This may be a class conflict, and a racial conflict, and everything else, but it also seems to be a uniquely Oberlin College conflict:...

Nothing in the actions of Oberlin College or those of its dean and vice president suggests an understanding or empathy with the Gibson family’s experience.

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