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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Everyone is a racist ... except Sherrod.

Just in the few days that Sherrod has talked to the media, we have been enlightened about how she manages to find racism in America...She identified the following racists in quotes over the last week:

Andrew Brietbart is a racist.

Glenn Beck is a racist.

Fox News is racist.

Bill O'Reilly is a racist.

The Republian Party is racist.

Those who opposed Obamacare are racist.

Most whites at the USDA are racists.

President Obama may not be a racist, but he's not 'down for the struggle', so he's basically in bed with Whitey.

And Shirley Sherrod, the only person to publicly admit she discriminated against someone based on ther the only non-racist in her scenario.
Comment by "Pops" at Just One Minute.

This is not going well for the Liberal establishment.  They have another Cindy Sheehan.

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