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Tuesday, July 04, 2006


Jeff Goldstein is right when he says that the most troubling thing about the Supreme Court is that the retirment of a single Liberal justice can reverse decisions made by the current court. Does it not trouble us when a person can come before the court and it matters who the judge is? Does this not destroy the very nature of the court system? Does it not call into question the integrity of the court?

From the Wall Street Journal: ...a single liberal retirement from the Court would thus put Hamdan‘s reasoning in jeopardy [...]

...How can this be? How can it be that we’ve reached the point where highly-charged SCOTUS decisions involving the Executive and military often break along partisan / ideological lines...
This is not the state the Supreme Court should find itself in—otherwise we have yet another political arm of the government, one that carries the pretense of being apolitical. Which not only upsets the balance of powers, but it does so while pretending to remain true to its own mandate.

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