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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Rush Limbaugh Transforms Congress

Rush Limbaugh is amazing. Until a few days ago, the Democrats in Congress were virulently anti-military. Today, they are attacking anyone, right, left and center, who dares to say anything even faintly disparaging against soldiers past, present and future. And Rush created this change with 2 little words: “phony soldiers.”

The change is dramatic. Who can forget the stirring words of Teddy Kennedy (D- Chappaquiddick) as he claimed that ''Shamefully, we now learn that Saddam's torture chambers reopened under new management -- U.S. management.''

Or Dick Durbin (D-Ethanol) who proclaimed "you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags, or some mad regime - Pol Pot or others - that had no concern for human beings."

And who can forget Jack Murtha (D-ABSCAM) who declared that Marines in the Iraqi city of Haditha "killed innocent civilians in cold blood." The marines have now been exonerated and at least one of them is suing Murtha for slander.

Hillary Clinton (D-Cattle Futures) slandered the commanding general in Iraq, in effect called General Petraeus a liar during his congressional testimony when she asserted that believing him required the “willing suspension of disbelief.”

And she was not the only one on that committee, in facts it was fairly unanimous among Democrats.

And of course we have Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid state that “This war is lost” which is part and parcel of the Democrat’s attempt to declare defeat on what they call “Bush’s War.

But all it takes is two little words by Rush Limbaugh and we have forty members of the Senate write a letter to Mark Mays, CEO of Clear Channel Communications, and Rush’s syndication partner.

They write that “…we can all agree that those who serve with such great courage deserve our deepest respect and gratitude.” No more accusations of running torture chambers, manning a gulag or Pol Pot’s killing fields, killing innocents in cold blood or being blatant liars. Now we are behind our fighting men 110%!

Rush is a miracle worker and, as he has said, actually appears to be running America.

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