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Monday, June 02, 2008

Get me from the church on time

From Powerline:

An outstanding article on the willingness of the MSM to "MoveOn" after every Obama gaffe.

It ends thus:

Yesterday Obama announced his withdrawal from Trinity United Church. He rendered both his testimony praising Moss and his inalterable allegiance to Trinity United Church "inoperative." Obama portrayed his resignation from the church both as an act taken to shield himself from having church-related remarks imputed to him, and to shield the church from the scrutiny it had been under. The tenor of his remarks suggest that both he and his church have been the victims of a frenzy.

Obama also vaguely referred to “a cultural and a stylistic gap” as a source of the problem. Perhaps the entire saga is little more than a tribute to the incomprehension of unsophisticated outsiders. Such outsiders lack the tools necessary to understand the reflections of Reverend Wright and his ilk in churches espousing black liberation theology. As in "Cool Hand Luke," according to Obama, what we have here is failure to communicate. Unfortunately, not a single member of the press sought further elaboration from Obama on that point.

Every installment of this saga reveals Obama to be a deeply opportunistic politician, ready to beat a hasty retreat from yesterday's statement of cherished principle in order to fight another day. Each installment of the saga also reveals the organs of the mainstream media to be Obama's handmaidens. From March 18 forward they have cheered on Obama's every step, even when Obama's succeeding steps proved them fools.

In the aftermath of this saga, it should begin to dawn on attentive observers that Barack Obama represents a type that flourishes on many college campuses. The technical term that applies to Obama is b.s. artist. Obama is an overaged example of the phenomenon, but his skills in the art have brought him great success and he's not giving it up now.

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