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Monday, June 02, 2008

Too late to say ‘I’m Sorry’


I’ve seen many demands in the past couple of days calling for Barack Obama to strongly denounce Father Pfleger, disassociate from him, and apologize directly to Hillary for Pfleger’s horrific remarks. These demands are done in the name of “unifying” the party, namely appeasing the female supporters of Hillary Clinton who are getting more pissed off by the day.

But apologies and divorces won’t cut it. The hate-filled bigotry spewing from the preachers at Trinity United is entirely in keeping with the church’s philosophy, and this is a core value of Obama’s spiritual life going back decades. To divorce himself from that value system now would be a disingenuous act of sheer political expediency motivated solely by the desire to reach the White House.

It’s the reason why most people weren’t convinced when Obama recently “rejected” Rev. Wright. He’s been participating in Wright’s teachings for over 20 years.

Obama could leave the church tomorrow and never speak to any of these ranting nut-jobs again, and it would still not be believable. It would not unify the Democratic masses. Too much bitter water under the bridge.

This is WHO he is. This is the person the superdelegates are about to nominate for President. A man who attends a church where preachers speak about the first serious female contender for President, 2-term US Senator and Obama’s colleague (lest we forget) like this:

“Hillary ain’t never been called a nigger…”

“…She just always thought this was mine. I’m Bill’s wife. I’m white and this is mine. …”

“We must be honest enough to expose white entitlement and supremacy wherever it raises its head.”

How on God's green earth can a man who has been part of this congregation that cheers and shouts approval of racist, bigoted, anti-Semitic, hate America speeches, now tell us he does not believe in the philosophy that this represents?

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