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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Most Male Workers Have Low Level Jobs, Feminists Never Seem to Care.

Ever notice that feminists are always aiming for the top jobs, never garbage collectors?

The phrase “Apex Fallacy” sprung to mind as it elucidates fully the inaccurate fashion by which they assess the status of women in America. The error in their thinking arises from a collective refusal to acknowledge that the vast majority of male workers toil in the nether regions of our economy. These hordes of men—who make possible feminist lives of leisure—are totally invisible to the harridans who compare women, on aggregate, to the rich and famous alone. Indeed, when judging female progress, juxtaposition is only made with those males at the apex of our status hierarchy. It seems that feminists can discern none but the elite.

I have some workers at my house to re-do the kitchen. There is one woman involved, the wife of the owner, who's doing some painting, but the rest of the workers are men. Why are femininsts not outraged?

Read the rest.

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