From Drudge:

Powerful winter storm cuts power, disrupts travel...
Races from Midwest to Northeast...
WATCH: NYC May Get 8 Inches...
CHICAGO: Do Not Drive, Public Told...
BOSTON: State Workers Kept Home...

Dangerous Cold Sweeps into East...
Chill Map...

Powerful winter storm cuts power, disrupts travel...
Races from Midwest to Northeast...
WATCH: NYC May Get 8 Inches...
CHICAGO: Do Not Drive, Public Told...
BOSTON: State Workers Kept Home...
Dangerous Cold Sweeps into East...
Chill Map...
I'm every bit as skeptical as you on the whole manmade global warming schtik, but citing a few scattered weather events doesn't help--that doesn't describe "climate" at all. You're being as silly as the Algorians when hot July weather is called "global warming" rather than "summer."
Phil, I agree that weather and climate are two different things. But ... I can't help tweaking the global warming alarmists.
Seriously, weather is a subset of climate and you can't keep claiming the earth's climate is getting warmer when the weather is getting colder compared to comparable periods last year, and the year before and the year before.
Second, I am starting to suspect that the global warming hoax was started deliberately as a money making scheme. Gore - among others - has become much richer as a result.
For this reason alone, every piece of evidence that contradicts this hoax must be highlighted.
Fair enough. Keep up the good work!
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