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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Detainees Barred From Access to U.S. Courts

Remember when this used to bring howls of outrage and denunciations of Nazi Fascist Dictatorship and "Trampling on the constitution" and the arrival of the dark night of the Long Knives?  Is this the change you were looking for? 

Rubes!  (Or were you just playing politics, demonizing your political opponents, but not meaning a word of it?)

WASHINGTON — A federal appeals court ruled Friday that three men who had been detained by the United States military for years without trial in Afghanistan had no recourse to American courts. The decision was a broad victory for the Obama administration in its efforts to hold terrorism suspects overseas for indefinite periods without judicial oversight.

Documents: Ruling on Detainees by Appeals PanelThe detainees, two Yemenis and a Tunisian who say they were captured outside Afghanistan, contend that they are not terrorists and are being mistakenly imprisoned at the American military prison at Bagram Air Base.
Here's a link to the Liberal Bible, the NY Slimes.  Not a hint that the prophets of Liberalism disapprove.

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