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Tuesday, June 01, 2010

"Smart Diplomacy" Just Blew Up. Is Obama a Suicide Bomber?

The Perils of Pauline are nothing compared to the Perils of Obama as his "Smart Diplomacy" craters and the American government stumbles from one catastrophe to the next.  At this point is looks as if his Middle East "smart diplomacy" resembles nothing so much as a would-be bomber who blows himself up assembling his bomb.

Richard Fernandez at Belmont Club opines that the Obama administration was dancing a complicated minuet designed to re-align the geopolitical interests in the Middle East.  Well, someone threw a spanner into the Rube Goldberg device and countries that were cool to each other are becoming hostile.  And where is America?  Hard to say.
The power of the referee rests in great part on his predictability. Everybody should know what he will call a foul. When Washington triangulates in the wrong way or relies on a Rube Goldberg scheme full of unknown variables to achieve its ends, a policy disaster may ensue. Imagine what would happen if America tried to re-architecture its Northeast Asian alliances in the middle of crisis. That would be to court disaster. Yet that’s exactly what may be happening in the Middle East. The Wall Street Journal says President Barack Obama’s “dream of knitting together a kind of loose American-Arab-Israeli front to stand up to Iran and its nuclear program” was in a shambles.

In a few violent minutes at sea Monday, that all went out the window. … All this began unfolding before the sun had even risen over Mr. Obama’s Chicago home, where he was spending the Memorial Day weekend. Israeli commandos stormed a convoy of ships headed for the Gaza Strip to deliver humanitarian supplies to Palestinians there in defiance of an Israeli naval blockade of Hamas-run Gaza. …

Worse for the administration, this twist complicates its Iran strategy. The United Nations Security Council has been moving toward a resolution imposing new economic sanctions on Iran, but that’s now in danger of being slowed or sidetracked by the inevitable clamoring to condemn Israel.
It was a complex undertaking, replete with feints and bilateral talks. It had more moving parts than a Swiss watch. Then “nuance” met Murphy in the Clausewitzian “fog of war” and Murphy won. The Gaza flotilla upset the calculations and now the question is whether it can all be glued back together again. Simplicity has its virtues.
We can rely on the MFM to use its bullhorn to relay and amplify the Islamist terrorist propaganda.  Here's a video of the "peace activists" attacking Israeli soldiers.  Fernandez has it absolutely right here in the consolations of philosophy.
The main reason to worry is that it illustrates the Western MFM addiction to fiction, an addiction which sooner or later will have practical consequences. That addiction was also being pandered to on the other side of the world.

Another truth that no one wishes to admit is that North Korea sank the South Korean warship Cheonan, an act which the Security Council will no account denounce with the same vehemence as the interception of the “peace activists.” Notwithstanding the physical evidence nor the recovery of the North Korean torpedo which sank the ship, since China doesn’t admit to North Korea’s culpability what is factually true can never become officially true. It’s the narrative and the narrative and the narrative.

Both cases demonstrate that nothing is more paramount either to the establishment nor to the politically correct sections of the media than the maintenance of a lie. For the lie is in the service of the greater good. High reasons of policy will be invoked to explain why the truth should not be so. But the extreme reliance on fantasy by parts of the Western establishment goes well beyond surrounding a kernel of the truth with a “bodyguard of lies.” Instead it is the lie itself which is guarded by even more falsehoods. Gradually and inexorably, an entire political class has staked its existence on continuation of falsehood. The greater good is the fiction. Deception has become a necessity in itself.

As a result, any moderately well informed individual knows that there is no Islamic extremism, nor even terrorism. There are only man made disasters. Everybody knows that we can borrow our way out of debt, that the welfare state is the sustainable wave of the future; that Egypt has no border with Gaza through which it can provide supplies if it wanted; that the UN has kept Hezbollah from importing hundreds of missiles into Lebanon; that the thought of a handful of Jews has kept hundreds of millions of oil-rich Muslims from attaining prosperity; and that Global Warming is the main danger facing the planet Earth. That these assertions are untrue hardly matters; that they are indisputable is what seems to count. For who shall dispute them?

Reality might. And therein lies the problem.

Here’s what is going to happen with one hundred percent certainty. All of these lies will explode with considerable force in the faces of political establishment. Nothing can prevent it. Just as reality eventually exposed the hollowness of the financial bubble and showed that nothing was “too big to fail,” eventually it will demonstrate to our extreme cost, that no lie can be maintained forever. That is the real reason anyone should really care about what happened on the “peace flotilla.” We are as corrupt as a preacher in a whorehouse. It ain’t what we don’t know that will hurt us, it’s what we know that ain’t so that will drive the dagger into our hearts.

This wouldn’t be happening if Obama was President. Impeach Sarah Palin!
If only Barack Obama had been elected and old John McCain hadn’t died, we wouldn’t have a clueless radical demagogue in the White House whose only talent is giving a speech to fire up the rubes.

If only we had listened to the media.

Oh wait ….

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