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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Media Demands Lies

For some strange reason, the MSM is obsessed with politicians lying well.  Remember when Bill Clinton was busy lying about his trysts with Monica Lewinski?  The media marveled about Bill’s ability to lie.  In fact I they went out of their way to tell us how well he lied ... with great admiration.   

That seems to be the template for today’s MSM demand that a failure to lie is a gaffe. 

In London Mitt Romney expressed some reservations about the British preparations for the Olympics.  Reservations which had been thoroughly aired in the global media, and have been validated by the actual events, with thousands of empty – but “sold out” - seats which the Brits are vainly attempting to fill with army troops.  The media made much of Romney’s failure to lie, calling it a gaffe.

In Israel, Romney made the thoroughly conventional observation that a nation’s culture has a major impact on its economy.    Poverty stricken Palestinians, focused relentlessly on Israel’s destruction howled.  Again, failure to lie about the obvious is a gaffe.

In Poland, Romney said that Russia under Putin " …. once-promising advances toward a free and open society have faltered." Another truth, another remark the media called a “gaffe.”

In effect, the media is telling us that people who wish to lead American must lie to us.  Perhaps the media fails to recognize that they are not the filter through which the American people view realty any longer.  Is that a gaffe?

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