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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Voters: Ignore Obama vetoes, keep passing bills he doesn't like

A strong majority of U.S. voters want Congress to continue to pass legislation the president opposes, like for construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, a clear sign that they now see Washington's power shifting to the GOP-controlled Capitol Hill.

A new Rasmussen Reports poll issued Friday found that 59 percent of voters "think Congress should continue to pass legislation that most members of Congress support even if the president is opposed."

Just 25 percent want Congress to cave into the White House and 16 percent are unsure.

Among the people who demand Congress cave are all the members of the media, including Charles Krauthammer and George Will.  Both spend much too much time inside the beltway and believe that what they read in the media is a reflection of what the American people believe.

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