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Friday, November 17, 2017

No Democrats, you don't get your virginity back

Don Surber

Now that Bill Clinton and his trashy wife are politically impotent, Democrats want a do over on Paula Jones -- you know the state employee Governor Bill Clinton tried to force to fellate him.

She sued. His lawyers deposed him. He perjured himself (and tried to suborn perjury from others) about his consensual affair with That Woman, Miss Lewinsky.

Perjury and suborning perjury can be felonies, and certainly are impeachable offenses. Democrats played it as everyone lies about sex, and he beat the rap.

Sex is private, right?

Now, all of Washington wants to strip Alabama of the right to elect Roy Moore, and Democrats find themselves on the outside looking in.

So now there are a bunch of articles about how, oh, I believe Juanita Broaddrick (who claims Clinton raped her).

That's nice.

It is irrelevant.

Clinton is irrelevant, and Broaddrick's story is hearsay. Sorry. Absent a conviction or admission of guilt, it is just gossip.

But things may have been better had people believed her when we still could have had a police investigation, indictment, and trial. You know, all the things that make us civilized instead of the boys in "Lord of the Flies."

Besides, it wasn't just Clinton.

It was Ted Kennedy and Clarence Thomas.

Democrats -- and frankly, most Republicans -- were cool with keeping Kennedy in the Senate after he got drunk, ditched his car in the water, and left a woman to die.

And 22 years later, Democrats wanted to deny Thomas a seat on the Supreme Court because a woman said he put a hair on a can of Coca-Cola.

I say to heck with them.

I advise my friends and relatives in Alabama to vote for Roy Moore. He can always be expelled if he's guilty. We cannot expel Doug Jones if Moore is cleared.

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