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Friday, July 02, 2010

Does EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson Want to Kill White Americans? (When incompetence is not longer believable)

This is not a frivolous question. After all, the same accusation – with the races reversed - was made about George Bush and white people after hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast and the MSM treated the accusation seriously and with respect. In fact, Bush was accused of "terrorism" - blowing up the levees around New Orleans - so that blacks would be driven out.  So why should we not ask if Lisa Jackson, whose focus is “environmental justice” not be suspected that her version of environmental justice demands that white people on the Gulf Coast should live on polluted shores, be deprived of jobs, driven from their homes and die earlier than normal as a way of getting even?

Come on MFM, begin asking the question. Why were extremely effective Dutch skimmers being denied an opportunity to help clean up the Gulf because they were not 100% effective in separating oil from water?  This makes no sense at all from an environmental perspective. 
The voracious Dutch vessels, for example, continuously suck up vast quantities of oily water, extract most of the oil and then spit overboard vast quantities of nearly oil-free water. Nearly oil-free isn't good enough for the U.S. regulators, who have a standard of 15 parts per million -- if water isn't at least 99.9985% pure, it may not be returned to the Gulf of Mexico.
So instead of removing virtually all of the oil from the water, the Obama EPA under Jackson decided to allow the oil to wash ashore.

Why should attempts by locals and many foreign governments to prevent he oil from being washed ashore be stymied by the Obama administration and its EPA?

Why is the EPA indoctrinating our children with radical environmental ideas (something of which Jackson is proud)?

Why are reporters and congressmen being kept away from the Gulf "clean up" effort when the Obama Administration is lying about the numbers of vessels actually being used to clean up the spill?
“The White House blog details a number of assets deployed in the region to combat the spill. This includes vessels, boom, and dispersant. The number of assets claimed, however, does not appear to match what is actually in the field. Parish officials maintain that the thousands of vessels cited in the blog are non-existent. One senior official refers to them as “phantom assets.”

Why is Jackson and her EPA focused on race?

UPDATE: My question no longer seems so outrageous. This morning Wall Street Journal's Paul H. Rubin has an editorial:

As the government fails to implement such simple and straightforward remedies [waiving the Jones Act, using Dutch and Taiwanese skimmers that remove vast quantities of oil], one must ask why.

One possibility is sheer incompetence. Many critics of the president are fond of pointing out that he had no administrative or executive experience before taking office. But the government is full of competent people, and the military and Coast Guard can accomplish an assigned mission. In any case, several remedies require nothing more than getting out of the way.

Another possibility is that the administration places a higher priority on interests other than the fate of the Gulf, such as placating organized labor, which vigorously defends the Jones Act.

Finally there is the most pessimistic explanation—that the oil spill may be viewed as an opportunity, the way White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said back in February 2009, "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste." Many administration supporters are opposed to offshore oil drilling and are already employing the spill as a tool for achieving other goals.
Rubin believes that Team Obama wants to use the oil spill to radically change America's energy use.

Many administration supporters are opposed to offshore oil drilling and are already employing the spill as a tool for achieving other goals. The websites of the Sierra Club, Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace, for example, all feature the oil spill as an argument for forbidding any further offshore drilling or for any use of fossil fuels at all. None mention the Jones Act.

To these organizations and perhaps to some in the administration, the oil spill may be a strategic justification in a larger battle. President Obama has already tried to severely limit drilling in the Gulf, using his Oval Office address on June 16 to demand that we "embrace a clean energy future."
Given the racist remarks and actions made by many members of Team Obama, preventing the gulf oil from being contained may be a "two-fer," a contrived crisis to push their energy play and a way of getting one over on - in the words of Jeremiah Wright, Obama's spiritual mentor, - "rich White people."  And making poor and middle class white people suffer is icing on the cake.

UPDATE 2:  A credulous Christian Science Monitor notes five bottlenecks and votes for bureaucratic red tape


iloveamerica1980 said...

Nice blog!
I see on your thread that eaker and humblegunner have been hassling you to. there is a couple of others in that little click and they ruin almost every thread I post on free republic. They should be kicked off the sight in my opinion.
Isn't there anything that respected and relevant bloggers can do about this?

Anonymous said...

The headline for this article makes no sense, considering that people of color and indigenous communities are among the most impacted by this disaster.