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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Gwen Ifill Questions Whether Sarah Palin Can Be Vice President and Have a Family!

Via Gateway Pundit:

GWEN IFILL: And there's also a big difference between running a state or running as long as she has run a state and running for one of the biggest jobs in the country. What advice do you give her on how to balance this? She's got five kids. She's got one...

REP. HEATHER WILSON: You know something? Let me say something about that. That bothers me. No one ever asked John Kennedy whether he could be president and be a dad. Nobody asks Senator Obama whether he could be president and be a dad. But because Governor Palin is a woman, they're asking whether she can be vice president and a mom.

GWEN IFILL: But she describes herself...

REP. HEATHER WILSON: It's time to end the double standard.

GWEN IFILL: I understand what you're saying. She described herself as a hockey mom. That was her self-description.

REP. HEATHER WILSON: And one of the greatest things about Senator Obama is that he talks about the importance of being a father and a parent, but nobody asks whether he can do both at the same time. We need to end the double standard. And the double standard, I think, is not being pushed by Republicans here at the convention. It's being asked by people in the media who should know better.

GWEN IFILL: Do you think it's a double standard?

REP. MARY FALLIN: Oh, yes, I do. In fact, I think it's a little bit of a slam towards men, saying that men can't be a good partner to a woman who works. You know, her husband is going to be her partner right alongside her. And he has been when she's been in other offices. And that's what a family is about, is working together.

Here's the transcipt.

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