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Monday, May 13, 2013

Personnel is policy

The people you appoint are apt to give you the policies you want. Put Kermit Gosnell in charge of delivering babies and you can be sure that no baby survives the experience. Barack Obama has been in office long enough to seed his acolytes throughout the federal government. Removing 9/11 Truther and avowed communist Van Jones was a speed bump on the path to an Obama bureaucracy. How else to explain all those “low level” IRS personnel deciding that Conservative public interest groups were not entitled to the same tax exempt status as Obama’s election campaign Organizing for Action?

There really is no reason for Obama to give marching orders to the people he has appointed or to his ideological supporters at the  NY Times, they are in perfect harmony. If you want to know where they can recruit the people to give members of the Tea Party or supporters of Israel a hard time, all you need to do is go through the rolls of the Times subscribers.  There you will find hundreds of people who strongly agree that the IRS should single out Tea party members, prominent conservatives, right-wing media figures and even Clarence Thomas for "special treatment."  People who share these beliefs are not just found on the NY Times subscriber list but are occupy most of the seats in the faculty lounge.

Leaders understand that it's not possible to give direct orders to every minion in their organization. Their job is to set the tone and the direction and appoint people who are committed to their objectives.   Remember that Nixon didn't order the break-in at Watergate. He set the paranoid tone and people farther down decided that bugging the DNC was a good idea. Obama, despite his "joking" protestations is a committed socialist, a believer in the supremacy of the State, and the people he has appointed, like Van Jones, are simply clones of his ideology. It would not be necessary for Obama to tell them to harass Tea Party or patriot groups; it's part of their purpose in life. Obama's acolytes view them as the enemy, not as a legitimate political organization. They are to be silenced, marginalized and erased using all the powers that a government agent has to accomplish that.

I think it would be a mistake for the people investigating the IRS scandal and the Benghazi scandal, even Fast & Furious, to try to find a direct order from Obama.  Obama appointed people who knew what he wanted and what needed to be done.  Barack's not a "detail" person, he doesn't need to be.  His people know what he wants. 

One person who knows exactly what Barack Obama wants is Eric Holder.  He is the top law enforcement official in this country. He has Obama’s back; as long as Holder is in office no one in government will be prosecuted for doing what Obama wants done.

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