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Thursday, June 01, 2006

NY Offical Call for Bush Assassination

New York State Comptroller Alan Hevesi said in a speech delivered to students, parent and faculty at the Queens College commencement - referring to Senator Charels Schumer:

"The man who, how do I phrase this diplomatically, who will put a bullet between the president's eyes if he could get away with it. The toughest senator, the best representative. A great, great member of the Congress of the United States."

Hevesi, a longtime professor of government and politics at Queens College before becoming comptroller, also referred to his comments as "remarkably stupid" and "incredibly moronic."

Stupid and moronic they may very well be, but they reveal - in my opinion - the venomous hatred and satanic desire of many on the Left, and in academia (they are one and the same) to commit murder for their cause.

With the exception of fictional criminals who are regularly depicted a masterminds, the true killer, rapist and robber is typically stupid. One recent rapist left his wallet with his picture ID and was quickly captured.

In the heat of the moment, you may wish someone dead, but when you get up before a crowd and begin to talk about shooting the President between the eyes there are two things you can assume about the speaker: first, he is consumed with hatred and, second, he assumes that his audience agrees with him.

We only have to remember Ward Churchill, the infamous professor at UC who has received adulation from the Left after calling the dead at the World Trade Center as “little Eichmans” to realize how deranged and truly evil the Left has become.

We have only to look at a picture of Alan Hevesi to understand – in the immortal phrase of Hanna Arendt – what the “banality of evil” looks like.

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