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Sunday, October 22, 2006

Times Public Editor - SWIFT Disclosure Was Wrong

Via Tom Maguire. Follow the links.

Byron Calame, NY Times Public Editor, has changed his mind and now believes that the disclosure of the SWIFT international funds transfer program by the NY Times was a mistake. So why did he defend it a few months ago? Well, that was Bush's fault - the critics were so nasty that Calame reflexively defended the Times.

This is all buried as an afterthought to his Sunday column provocatively headlined - "Can ‘Magazines’ of The Times Subsidize News Coverage?".

Among the comments:

If we're going to hope that this apologia is a 'sign', let's hope that it's a preemptive move on Commissar Calame's part to distance himself from those he believes will soon be undergoing trial for the NSC disclosures.

The thought of Keller, Sulzberger, Risen and Lichtblau wandering aimlessly around the exercise yard at Leavenworth always cheers me up.

I keep wondering of the staff dismissal on the House committee might be a precursor to something similiar happening wrt the Senate intelligence committee. Maybe accompanied by a reading of the Rockefeller memo on national TV...


And of course, the last wheeze of the piece is to BLAME BUSH. The writer still can't take responsibility for his own actions - it's BUSH's fault!

Aha! The Devil made him do it.

But not ONLY was it Bush's fault - it was Bush taking advantage of the writer's NOBLER INSTINCTS! Damn! If only he wasn't such a champion of the downtrodden none of this would have happened!


This comes into the category of "Sorry I was angry about the mess made when I ran over your dog,but it was on my driveway".

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