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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Michelle Malkin Pushes Back; the SCHIP Controversy

After receiving death threats for reporting on the Frost family, Michelle Malkin is fighting back.
I received an e-mail from a NYTimes reporter this afternoon:

Writing about blog coverage of the SCHIP debate, including scrutiny of Graeme Frost and plan to include references to your posts. Would like comment if you’re willing. Republicans on Capitol Hill are now saying they think the Frost children are legitimate recipients of CHIP coverage.

Thanks and regards,

David M. Herszenhorn
The New York Times
Congressional Correspondent
I gave him these comments:

The bottom line here is that this family has considerable assets. Maryland’ s S-CHIP program does not means-test (correction: I meant to say assets-test>. The refusal to do assets tests on federal health insurance programs is why federal entitlements are exploding and government keeps expanding. If Republicans don’t have the guts to hold the line, they deserve to lose their seats.
I also told him this:

As for accusations about “smearing” and “Swiftboating,” I’ll repeat what I said on my blog: “When a family and Democrat political leaders drag a child down to Washington at 6 in the morning to read a script written by Senate Democrat staffers on a crusade to overturn a presidential veto, someone might have questions about the family’s claims. The newspapers don’t want to do their jobs. The vacuum is being filled. If you don’t want questions, don’t foist these children onto the public stage. Fight your battles like adults and stop hiding behind youngsters dragging around red wagons filled with your talking points.”

This will get interesting ... read the rest.

In an article by Matthew Hay Brown in the Baltimore Sun, Brown comes clean on some of the family's assets although he still refuses to talk about Frost's parents and grandparents who appear to be well to do and would certainly be in a position to help their son and grandson.

There is also an interesting comment by Brown:
The Frosts declined to show The Sun their 2006 income tax returns, and the state Department of Health and Mental Hygiene would not confirm their enrollment in the program.!!!

Then after cherry picking some unkind things said on some Internet sites about the Frosts (part of the MSM playbook in their effort to denigrate bloggers), Brown completely ignores that fact that Michelle Malkin has received death threats and been accused of "stalking" the Frosts after driving by their home and interviewing a tenant in their commercial building. This is otherwise known as "reporting" and is not something that Matthew Hay Brown has shown himself capable of so far.

I have sent him the following message and await his reply:
Please let us know why your original reporting did not include anything about the family's assets. Or why this report includes the vile things said about the Frosts but there is no mention of the even viler things said about Malkin. I will be blogging on this subject today and your response or non-response will be mentioned.

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