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Saturday, July 03, 2010

First! ("When incompetence is no longer believable")

I love it!

When I wrote this essay: Does EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson Want to Kill White Americans? (When incompetence is not longer believable) I was concerned about being too outrageous, knowing I would certainly be accused or racism and spinning tin-foil-hat conspiracy theories.

So I was surprised, hell I was overjoyed, to find others – people with much bigger reputations than mine like Paul Rubin writing in the Wall Street Journal, and Paul Driessen at who were coming to the same conclusion.

Here's one man's experience when he went to the Gulf coast to help:
I am just back from Florida, where I spent a week helping Advanced BiofermentationTM Services (ABS) Inc., wade through federal documents, specifically, the EPA Regional IV Response Team - Approval for Bioremediation Use Guidelines. It will take a great miracle to instigate any clean-up of the beaches and marshes on the Gulf Coast. This is not because the technology does not exist, or man-power, or ready equipment. It is not due to the impossible magnitude of the oil spill. No, it is the massive, mind-bending bog of paperwork created by the bureaucrats that will destroy any progress forward.

To use Biotechnology, first, the "agent" (microbe culture) must be identified, tested, approved, and listed on the National Contingency Plan (NCP) Product Schedule, before being considered for a Bioremediation Use Approval Form (BUAF), which a State/ City / County must submit to the EPA for approval, in order to use microbes in a clean-up. The EPA and State agencies admit in their own documents that they have not yet written requirements or policies regarding bioremediation - other than "it must be used in combination with other methods, unless the other methods (physical / chemical) are not capable of meeting the demand of the cleanup (iow - the spill is too damn big).

Unfortunately, knowing which microbes will be most effective cannot be determined until they are applied. The ABS Inc. method of biofermentationTM uses indigenous oil-eating microbes which they can safely grow on-site by the tons daily, and inject / apply to contaminated water surfaces, beaches and marshes, accelerating long-term, safe, clean-up. More unfortunately, these microbes haven't been listed on the NCP Product Schedule. We submitted the completed requirements to for approval of our “agent”, under the title “miscellaneous oil-eating microbes” – a government term – and just received a further delay of a 28 day test requirement! The government may or may not then give approval for listing on the NCP Product Schedule, but they have 60 days to let us know (which I can attest they will take). If not, we start over again, and wait another 60 days. Meanwhile, the oil does its damage.

Also, a Bioremediation Work Plan and a Bioremediation Monitoring Plan must be written and reviewed for each area, before the BUAF will be accepted. My job was to try and simplify this process for the Vender and the Applicant (City / County). Once the application is submitted, the applicants are at the mercy of whoever receives / processes their paperwork. That person is likely out eating donuts with the local Code Enforcement Officer!

But simple incompetence doesn’t explain the Obama administration’s response to the gulf oil spill. There are too many other things that they have done that make it obvious that they are willing to do literally anything to achieve their objectives. The New Black Panther case is just one example. Interfering with remediation of the gulf oil spill is the latest and most destructive.

In the MSM, it’s working. They are falling dutifully in line with articles, editorials and political cartoons urging the country to rush headlong into an “alternative fuels” regime regardless of the cost or availability. At this point, the “state controlled” media (as Rush would say) cannot conceive that a President would deliberately worsen a national disaster for political ends, although they were willing to entertain the idea that Bush, on 9/11, blew up the World Trade Center. The reality of this malfeasance will have to be disseminated to the American people through the new media.

And that’s why I’m happy to say: “First!”

Here's Day by Day


huemaurice7 said...

Hi !

Everything is done to fester Gulf and the situation. Solutions exist. Local and international aid are not lacking. Then, why this desire anything destroy? Why this 'square pre'? Why wait? It is not an accident, but an attack.

RRR said...

It should be evident by now that Obama is destroying the economy as fast as he possibly can. Knee jerk politicized decisions are the only way he knows how to handle the situation.
If this were actually a spill instead of a leak the regs on the books might work. Might. However the Gulf is awash in oil polluting the beaches in amounts that will take years to clean up. Nature is able to take care of parts of it but we cant keep throwing things at it and hope they will stick.
Bobby Jindal,
Do what you have to do my man. Obviously those in power are NOT going to help you. Screw the EPA Screw the Corp of Engineers. Take those Cajuns and let em loose. Take care of your state. If you have any questions call Carol Browner. What are they gonna do call in the Navy and blockade the coast?
Put those skimmers in the water get those dredges out,and get to work. Maybe those pansies over in Florida will get a clue before the oilslick gets there. You and Haley have got some work to do.
Good Luck