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Sunday, September 18, 2011

Kossacs celebrate Black Panters, SEIU and Young Lords working as one.

When the Left talk among themselves they don’t disguise the way that violent radicals like the Black Panthers and the Young Lords are allied with mainstream Liberal organizations like the SEIU to complete the changes they fought for.

The airbrushing is done by the MSM who identify these people are “activists” or “human rights advocates.”

Here's Denise Oliver Velez @ Daily Kos
No coincidence that some of the key organizers for SEIU-1199 today are graduates of the Young Lords. They are still organizing, still educating about racism, and they are working for the re-election of Barack Obama, while continuing to fight for progressive social change.

Three days ago I had visitors on my farm. Two dear friends who are married to each other—one a former Young Lord, and one a former Panther, both doing critical organizing work for SEIU.

This is one of the benefits of kicking the MSM to the curb and eliminating their role as gatekeepers of information. It’s so simple really; the Left publishes their conspiracies in plain sight.

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