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Saturday, May 11, 2013

White House blames -- BUSH!

Drudge headline. 
Of course it would make sense that the Bush administration would discriminate against Tea Party Patriots.  (sarcasm off).
I was watching Special Report on Fox last evening and Chris Wallace was hosting.  He said something that, on it's face made sense, but when I began thinking about ti for a millisecond I found to be unbelievable.
Obama Press Secretary Jay Carney was being peppered yesterday with questions about Benghazi and about previous statements that he had made.  It was not a particularly good time for him.
Chris Wallace attributed the unusual questioning to the fact that the White House press corps dislike being lied to.    OK; that sounds reasonable.  No one likes being lied to.  But it took me only a moment to realize that the White House has been blatantly lying about Benghazi since the attack.  They lied about the cause.  They lied about their reaction.  They lied about changing their story.  And these are not sudden revelations.  Half of the country, that half that was not getting their information from the MSM, were aware of these lies. 
Is the White House press corps totally insulated from news and analysis that permeates the rest of the country?  Are they stenographers for Jay Carney?  Are they such big supporters of Obama that they are willing to suspend reason in order to carry his message to the country?  Do  they know the truth but are willing to lie for the good of their ideology?
Yes, yes, yes and yes.

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