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Monday, April 05, 2021

New York Times Reports on Hitler's Polling

We are told that Joe Biden is wildly popular, gathering a 60% approval rating according to pollsters.  It's designed to make you wonder if you could be wrong about what a great president Biden is and how popular his policies are.  When Joe Biden reaches 90% in the polls he will be as popular as Adolf Hitler was when he became the undisputed leader of the German people and led his country to ruin over the next 20 years.   


Berlin, Monday, Aug. 20 -- Eighty-nine and nine-tenths per cent of the German voters endorsed in yesterday's plebiscite Chancellor Hitler's assumption of greater power than has ever been possessed by any other ruler in modern times. Nearly 10 per cent indicated their disapproval. The result was expected....

A feature of the election was that former Marxists cast a far heavier vote for Chancellor Hitler than the so-called bourgeoisie. In Berlin especially, judging by their vote, former Communists still are Leader Hitler's most loyal followers. In one voting district in Wedding, where a few years ago Communists fought from behind barricades against the police, the "yes" votes amounted to 949; the "no" votes and invalid ballots totaled 237.

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