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Monday, October 02, 2006

Tony Macrini’s macaca.

Who will ever forget George Allen calling a Webb campaign worker who was following him around with a video camera “macaca.” This term, it is alleged, is a terrible racial slur in another language. There seems to be some confusion about what language uses “macaca” as a slur … but never mind.

So why does the terrible racial slur “macaca” come up so often during Tony Macrini’s morning radio show?

For those who don’t listen, Tony Macrini is the radio host of a morning talk show on AM 790. He is on for about 4 hours starting at 6:00 AM and he uses the show to comment on things political. Sort of a down-market Rush Limbaugh without the humor or the style.

Now “macaca” is a funny sounding word and since the radio business is sound business, I can understand why Tony would drag this word out frequently. What I can’t understand is why, if “macaca” is such a terrible slur, why Tony would repeat it at all? I have not heard him using other racial slurs on his show. I’m sure he would not use the “N” word (as we are all now told to call it – if we’re white). Why not?

Why is it bad for George Allen to say “macaca” but it’s just fine for Tony Macrini to use the same word? Is it because Allen used “macaca” to a person’s face and Tony is using it behind people’s backs? Try this thought experiment: substitute the “N” word for “macaca” and see it saying it to someone’s face is worse than using it on the radio in another context.

No, I think I know why Tony feels free to use “macaca” on the radio regularly. He knows that the whole “macaca” incident is a manufactured controversy; the creature of the news media. It is a faux club used to beat up on Allen and taking advantage of people’s gullibility. It is cynical, it is vicious, and … it is racist, but not in the way that it is being portrayed. The racists are the ones who are using “macaca” the way Tony Macrini and the anti-Allen media are using it.


Gillean said...

Actually, Tony Macrini was sticking up for Allen in my opinion. I agree that macaca is a racial slur and I called in and asked Tony if the word that Allen used was "moulie" (Italian equivalent to the "N word") if he would still think that Allen is not racist, and if he would still be saying it as much as he has been saying it. Please don't single Tony out, Boortz, Rush and Hannity have used and trivialized the word and swept it under the rug.
A big secondly is this: Tony Macrini is NO HUSH BIMBO!!! Thank God for that!!!! Macrini is the best talk show host around in my opinion. Tony has much more of an informational show and he does not try to shovel the neo-con crap into your ears throughout the whole day like Boortz,Limbaugh, and Hannity do on a daily basis. At least with Tony you will get most if not all sides to the issue. When you listen to Bimbo and Vannity the only message you get on a daily basis is "Republic/Neo-con good.........Democrat/Liberal....bad/evil. " When it is a bunch of crap...people on all sides of the spectrum can be good or bad.Then the party of Lincoln LOL never even apologizes or even acknowledge making a mistake, so much for their beliefs in accountability and "pull yourselves up by your boot straps" accountability! Whenever they are caught in the wrong they enact the ABC policy (Always Blame Clinton) even for today's problems.
I have an article on my blog entitled Putting Macaca to Bed:

Gillean said...
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Moneyrunner said...


I really do not care if your agree if macaca is a racial slur. If it is, please define it and tell me the language in which it is a racial slur and exectly what it means. Then tell me why Tony keeps using racial slurs on the air. If it's a racial slur if Allen uses it, it surely is a racial slur if Tony uses it.

Second, Tony is a secondary market talk show host. It's simply a fact. If he were better, he would be in bigger markets or nationally syndicated.

Third, whether you like it or not, the Republicans are the "Party of Lincoln" while the Democrats are the party of seccession, slavery and segregation. Learn to live with it.

Gillean said...

First I will start off by attempting to quote the great Master by saying " Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" I am sure many of us have made a disparaging remark about someone's race or nationality. I will admit that I have made those remarks for just about every race there could be on a New York city street! Does this mean I hate those people because of their race? NO!! Read my profile and you will see I am most of those races I just cussed out! I did it because they cut me off or almost cut me off while driving in the streets of Manhattan and it was the heat of the moment.

With regard to the "macaca" remark, I think it is a very strange coincidence that Senator Allen's mother is of North African descent and the word "macaca" was and is used by people of French North African descent as a remark equivalent to the English word "nigger". Yet he feigns ignorance and to not know what the word meant. Many people say the the Senator is a smart person, wouldn't he know better than to call someone a word that he doesn't know the meaning of? Why did he also add the "Welcome to America and to the real world of Virginia" to that dark skinned "macaca"???? Here's the link and look at the definitions especially definition #4 , Please check me out and do your own Google search, I searched "ethnic slurs" and I came up with a bunch. I really don't care too much of what people say Senator Allen said 20 years ago but again I feel it is a funny coincidence that the word "nigger" keeps on coming up one way or another. But now I think we need to either say yeah both of these guys in the past (Webb & Allen) said the aforementioned word and had or have that type of attitude, but now they say that they want to serve the people of Virginia. I really don't hear of any other candidates for this office, I don't think that a boycott of the vote would help anyone's agenda, so I think we need to objectively see what each candidate has to offer.
I personally think that they should get together for a few debates and keep the "macaca" and "nigger" controversy out of the debate, put it to bed, and discuss the real topics and issues. I want to know what they plan to do for the state of Virginia and where they stand on TODAY'S issues.
As far as Tony being in a Secondary market:
Maybe it's because Tony Macrini has his own POV and not the lock step neo-con mind control machine mentality of a Boortz , Limbaugh, Hannity, Gallagher etc. Maybe Tony Macrini is content to be where he is now.
Why should I learn to live with that fact you told me about the Republicans vs Democrats? Are you assuming that I am a Democrat or a Liberal? I am neither. I am just an objective Independent Libertarian.
Here's a comparison article(an objective on at that) that I made for the Allen vs Webb campaign.

Moneyrunner said...


I’m sorry that you did not respond to my questions. You admit that you use racial slurs and therefore I assume you have some racist attitudes. Welcome to the world. But I will have a debate with an admitted racist like you.

The question I asked is why Tony is allowed to use racist language on the air. You tell me that “macaca” is a racial slur. Should someone not complain to the FCC that Tony is regularly using racial slurs on the air?

You may think you are objective, but I would assert that someone who defends the use of racial slurs on the air is not objective. Do you disagree?

And please get over the “Libertarian” meme that people who disagree with you and are much more successful than poor little Tony are “lock step neo-con mind control machine mentality.” That’s not just name calling, it’s really silly. I disagree with the Liberals, but I think they are misguided, not “mind controlled.”

Gillean said...

With regard to your first point:
I don't think that the you read too well, or true to the neo-con way, you like to ASSume something and then try to pass it off like it is a fact. I said that I quote; "I will admit that I have made those remarks for just about every race there could be on a New York city street! Does this mean I hate those people because of their race? NO!! Read my profile and you will see I am most of those races that I just cussed out! I did it because they cut me off or almost cut me off while driving in the streets of Manhattan and it was the heat of the moment."
I don't think that using a racial or ethnic slur necessarily qualifies one as being a racist. For example, when an Irish person calls a friend of his, a slur that they use for Irish people, is that racist? The same for an Italian, German, Jew, Hispanic,African American, etc. When I was in the military we made racial and ethnic jokes amongst our friends, but we'd die trying to protect on another.
So NO I am not a racist! I don't care what color or nationality you are, you can be my neighbor, friend etc., your children can date or marry my children, as long as the person is decent and of good character. Can you say the same , Moneyrunner? I am not "colorblind", why should I be? I love diversity.

Regarding your second point; I find it interesting that you say nothing about Boortz, Hannity, or Limbaugh using that very same word. Yet you choose to complain about Tony Macrini using it. It should surprise me but it doesn't. Maybe you don't listen to Boortz, Limbaugh, and Hannity, maybe I am making an ASSumption as well.

Finally, regarding your third point; I don't think that people who disagree with me are lockstep neo-con mind controll victims.If the person is not a neo-con and they disagree with me, I wouldn't call them the aforementioned because that would not be an accurate description. If you don't think that the daily diatribes by especially, Rush and Hannity, are not a sort of mind controll then you are sadly mistaken.The daily rant of "Liberals evil, Democrats bad and Republicans good, Conservatives good" is a sort of hypnotic aka method of mind control method aka "indoctrination". So no I am not "name calling" I just call a spade a spade.

My last point is that how can you disagree with a true LIBERal? Look up the definition of Liberal. Liber mean free and progressive e.g Liberty etc. CONservative means to hold back or to take away. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson et al were LIBERALS, they wanted to LIBERATE us, the British and the Loyalist wanted to CONtrol us and CONfiscate our land. It took LIBERALS to abolish slavery, because if they were CONservative, they would rather keep the status quo and CONfine and own human beings.

Moneyrunner said...


We are not talking about Rush, Hannity Boortz or anyone else. We are talking about Tony Macrini who uses a term he say is racist. Why does he do that? Why do you defend him using a term that he defines as racist? Why are you trying to defend yourself against the charge of racism when you admit that you use racist language? I’m simply asking the question that the MSM is asking of George Allen.

All the rest of your diatribe is a smokescreen to try to deny your racism, you defense of the racism of Tony Macrini and your pitiful Attempt to highjack the honorable term Liberal.

Gillean said...

I don't recall Tony ever saying that macaca was racist word.

When you were on your soap box and complained about Tony using that word, I pointed out that I noticed that you said nothing about Hannity, Rush, and Boortz using the same word. Then I asked you why you did not not complain about the aforementioned talk show hosts using the same word.

It's seems that you have it out for Mr Macrini for some strange reason. If anything , Mr Macrini was defending Sen. Allen against the charges of racism.

I don't feel the need to defend myself against charges of racism, because I am not a racist.

I do notice that you NEVER answered the questions that I asked you in my previous post. Pertaining to your view on interracial marriage etc. Maybe it's you that wants to hide your true bigoted feelings behind a smokescreen.

So now you think that Liberal is an honorable term? That is funny especially when your heros Bimbo, Vannity, and Boortz use the word Liberal as an insult on a daily basis! Those idiots hijack that word everyday and sheep like you follow right along and chant "Dittos" and "You're a Great American", as you march in lock step and "stay the course" toward hypocrisy, ignorance, and now possible defeat in BOTH the Congress and Senate. Instead of making a baseless insults, why don't you give an example as to how I hijacked the word Liberal? One thing I will say for you, is that your POV is consistent with the negative aspects of and meaning of CONservatism.

Moneyrunner said...

I don't recall Tony ever saying that macaca was racist word.
Really? What did he call it and why is he using it?


It would be more useful if you stopped trying to defend a third rate talk show host in a secondary market and addressed the issues. Tony is a hack who is jealous of his betters. That's why he is where he is.

Regarding your racism, it's not a question. You admitted it.

Finally, going to the dictionary to defend your terms is lame. What are you, a high school sophomore? You will find that as you get older, arguing what a Liberal is from Websters simply gets you laughed at.

Gillean said...

"It would be more useful if you stopped trying to defend a third rate talk show host in a secondary market and addressed the issues."

I am not defending one of your third rate neo-con talk show hosts!

Tony is a class act and a first rate talk show host. I have addressed the issues, you still never answered the questions I posed to you.

"Tony is a hack who is jealous of his betters. That's why he is where he is."

How do you quantify that statement? Have you heard Tony say a cross word about those hacks you adore?

"Regarding your racism, it's not a question. You admitted it."

That is another baseless accusation made by you. Who am I racist against? What race do I not like?

"Finally, going to the dictionary to defend your terms is lame. What are you, a high school sophomore?"

Well unlike you, Hannity and Limbaugh, I don't make up meanings of words and use the incorrect definition to spread propoganda. If you have a debate as to the meaning of a word and you want an IMPARTIAL and DEFINITIVE source and answer, where do you go or where do most intelligent people go to get the meaning? THE DICTIONARY! You and your cohorts on the other hand will "stay the course" and remain ignorant.

"You will find that as you get older, arguing what a Liberal is from Websters simply gets you laughed at."

Only by biased fools that hijack words and are mad because they are proven wrong once again. Like you.


Carl said...

Gillian, you are correct !

Unknown said...

Too bad Republicans sold out and the Democrats PROGRESSED. This isn't the 1860's.