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Wednesday, July 04, 2007

A diverse group of Muhammads

The Associated Press could not pin it down: describing the men as a “diverse group.” What in the world could these men have in common?

Diverse Group Allegedly In British Plot

Muhammad Haneef, Mohammed Jamil Asha, Khalid Ahmed, Sabeel Ahmed

And the of course there’s:
Mohammed Siddique Khan and Mohammed Atta but that’s another bombing and another plot.

It’s a puzzlement. The crack AP staff can’t for the life of them figure out what these people have in common.

From Little Green Footballs:

Media Puzzled By UK Terror Plot

The Toronto Star is completely unable to identify a common thread among the broad strata of the UK terror suspects: U.K. doctor plot thickens.
Subtitled: “All 8 detainess [sic] have ties to health service, but genesis of terror scheme still eludes investigators.”

And from YouTube - The Half Hour News Hour:
What do they have in common?

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