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Saturday, September 29, 2007

Al Qaeda's Man in Saddam's Iraq

It is now an article of faith on the Left that Saddam not only had nothing to do with 9/11, but that Al Qaeda was not in Iraq prior to the invasion.
Then-Secretary of State Collin Powell made the case in 2003 in front of the United Nations that Saddam was providing al Qaeda safe haven in Iraq. As evidence he alleged that Abu Mus’ab Al Zarqawi was an al Qaeda operative in northern Iraq.

For those who want to chastise the invasion of Iraq as misdirected and having nothing to do with al Qaeda, it became important to establish that Secretary of State Powell and the Bush Administration were “lying” to the UN.

Since it is now painfully obvious that the Bush administration is incapable of defending itself from even the most scurrilous attacks, it falls on others who believe in the problem of Islamofascism to make the case to the American people.

Ray Robinson:
But new reporting from an important Pakistani journalistic source close to al Qaeda leadership confirms that Abu Mus’ab al Zarqawi was an al Qaeda operative sent by Usama bin Laden to Iraq to fight US forces.

He was definitely not in Iraq to fight against Saddam Hussein. This new revelation puts the Saddam regime and al Qaeda on the same side against Coalition forces in the initial invasion.

There is so far no specific information from this new source as to whether both parties orchestrated their activities. However, it dispels claims by war opponents that Zarqawi was not al Qaeda before the war and that he was in Iraq to fight Saddam.

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