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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Submission is his aim.

It seems, thank God, that the President of Iran will not visit the former site of the World Trade Centre. It would have been one humiliation too many for America to bear. Americans and people in the West in general, being naively provincial, fail to comprehend the meaning of the conduct of Iran’s savvy leader. By parading around New York City – and violating a sacred site – he means to demonstrate that the United States is impotent and weak. George Bush would never dare walk down the streets of an Islamic city or visit an Islamic holy site. But he, because we fear Islam, can walk with impunity. He not only, it would seem in such a situation, has nothing to fear from officialdom: but he has nothing to fear from Americans as well.

The fact that it’s even possible for as wretched a demon as Mohammed Ahmadinejad to even contemplate defiling Ground Zero with his presence is a sign of our moral decay.

Read the rest.

1 comment:

Mumphrey O. Yamm, III said...

You conservatives are all so scared of everything. You're scared of liberals. You're scared of terrorists--a bunch of bearded losers living in caves. You're scared to death of looking weak. Why should we be scared of some Iranian dictator? Why can't we as a country be a little more confident in ourselves?
Look, I know a small bunch of terrorists can kill a lot of Americans at one go. We saw it 6 years ago. Now we shouldn't make believe it can never happen again; but we shouldn't really let ourselves live in such fear of it that we forget who and what we are.
We're always going to be at risk of another such attack, at least as long as we're a free and open society. It's something we have to work against, but we shouldn't lose our sense of perspective. A terrorist attack, as horrific as it might be, can't really tear us down as a country. Ahmedinijad showinng up at the hole where the World Trade Center was can't tear us down. Terrorists can't tear us down. We're bigger than that, and the only people who can tear us down are ourselves, and I worry that we've been going down that road for a while now...