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Saturday, September 22, 2007

How do you protect yourself against Brownshirts?

Adolph and his band of merry brothers had an effective way with the opposition: physical intimidation. In fact they got into some good, lust brawls and attracted a bunch of beer hall fighters to beat up their opponents. In many cases these opponents were Communists, but in an irony of history that is little noted except for people with a fascination with this period in time, many Communists were converted to Nazis. Their ideology was similar, their hatreds were similar and the Nazis were apparently better brawlers.

I mention this because intimidation is again making significant inroads, especially around the campi. Here is a video of what I mean.

No punches were landed, but the people who hosted the event were simply shouted down and there appeared to be no effective way to take the floor away from a small number of loud, brawny, men who had not the slightest hesitation in taking over.

An example that ended differently was the “Don’t Tase Me, Bro” guy at the Kerry rally. There the police removed the disrupter. But if the police had not taken the initiative, he would have disrupted and effectively destroyed Kerry’s event.

If the Right is ever to try to regain the initiative, we have to have a strategy to counter these modern Brownshirts. I’m interested if there are people with military of law enforcement backgrounds who can make suggestions.

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