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Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Politico notices our Christianist-in-Chief

Isn’t it ironic, asks The Politico’s Eamon Javers, that Barack Obama invokes Jesus more than George W. Bush?

He’s done it while talking about abortion and the Middle East, even the economy. The references serve at once as an affirmation of his faith and a rebuke against a rumor that persists for some to this day.

As president, Barack Obama has mentioned Jesus Christ in a number of high-profile public speeches — something his predecessor George W. Bush rarely did in such settings, even though Bush’s Christian faith was at the core of his political identity.

It is not ironic. To the contrary, it was entirely predictable to anyone paying attention to Obama’s political career. Javers — and the layers of editorial staff ostensibly upholding traditional journalistic values at The Politico — either know better or set out to insult the intelligence of their readers.

After all, how does a news story about Obama’s faith-based rhetoric make it to publication without a single mention of Obama’s decades of membership at the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, under the spiritual tutelage of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright?

Via Patterico. Read the whole thing.

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